Saturday, 18.10.2025
15.00 – 18.00 Secretaries General Meeting (Closed meeting)
19.30 – 22.30 Secretaries General Dinner (Closed meeting)
Sunday, 19.10.2025
10.00 – 13.00 Secretaries General Meeting (Closed meeting)
14.00 – 17.30 Euroseeds Board of Directors Meeting (Closed meeting)
14.00 – 17.30 Opening of Registration Desk
19.30 – 22.30 Welcome Party; open to all registered participants, accompanying persons and guests at the Tivoli Hotel
Monday, 20.10.2025
08.00 Opening of Trade & Exhibition Floor
Click on each session for more details
Opening, Welcome and Anti-Trust Guidelines by Birger Eriksen, Chair
Minutes of the last meeting by Birger Eriksen, Chair
Spotlight on Denmark: presentation of Danish agriculture & seed sector by Asbjørn Børsting, Variety Denmark and Nils Elmegaard, Danish Seed Council & Danish Seed Association
ISTA’s e-certificates: faster, safer, cheaper! by Andreas Wais, ISTA
Legume Generation: short report from the EU project by Amelie Detterbeck, Euroseeds
WG Cereal hybrid crops: update report by Szabolcs Ruthner, BASF
New EU PRM Regulation: focus dynamic conservation by Jared Onsando, Euroseeds
Summary of activities 2023/2024 and next steps by Birger Eriksen, Chair
Election of Section Chair 2024 – 2027 by Jared Onsando, Euroseeds
a.o.b. by Birger Eriksen, Chair
Closure and date of next meeting by Birger Eriksen, Chair
10:00-10:30 Amphasys AG
10:30-11:00 Cibus
Opening, welcome and Anti-Trust Guidelines by Christoph Herrlinger, Chair
Minutes from the last meeting by Christoph Herrlinger, Chair
EU draft Regulation on packaging and waste management – potential impact on transport/seed packaging? by Jenna Luchman, BASF
Biologicals – hope or hype? by Patrick Kabouw, Chair Euroseeds CSTP
EU deforestation legislation by Etienne Bouquet, Corteva
Market overviews:
- Oilseed Rape by Yves Devisme, NPS
- Sunflower by Nicolas Colliot, Syngenta
- Soybean by François Paybou, LIDEA
- Hemp by Christophe Fevrier, Hemp it
Summary of activities in 2023/2024 and next steps by Christoph Herrlinger, Chair
Election of Section Chair 2024 – 2027 by Jared Onsando, Euroseeds
a.o.b. by Christoph Herrlinger, Chair
Closure and date of next meeting by Christoph Herrlinger, Chair
13:00-13:30 phenoLytics
13:30-14:00 Solynta – True Potato Seeds
Opening, welcome and Anti-Trust Guidelines by Soren Halbye, Chair
Minutes of the last meeting by Soren Halbye, Chair
New EU initiatives and new Euroseeds view on IP by Francesca Garbato, Euroseeds
- The CPVO’s view on the new Euroseeds position by Nuria Urquia Fernandez, Vice President CPVO
- Latest developments in UPOV by Yolanda Huerta, Vice Secretary General UPOV
- Joint discussion Moderator: Marcel Bruins
WG Illegal seed activities: update by Nils Elmegaard, Chair
New EU PRM legislation: focus heterogeneous material (and small packages?) by Jared Onsando, Euroseeds
Summary of activities in 2023/2024 and next steps by Soren Halbye, Chair
Election of Section Chair 2024 – 2027 by Jared Onsando, Euroseeds
a.o.b. by Soren Halbye, Chair
Closure and date of next meeting by Soren Halbye, Chair
15:30-16:00 Arable
16:00-16:30 Healthycrop
Opening, welcome and Anti-Trust Guidelines by Jacques Rabayrol, Chair
Minutes of the last meeting by Jacques Rabayrol, Chair
- OECD Seed Schemes: Initiatives to strengthen seed certification capacities in developing countries, particularly in Africa by Aurelia Nicault, OECD
- Trends in EU public investment in plant breeding R&I – from FP7 to Horizon Europe by Amrit Nanda, Plant ETP
Corn Market Overview by Pierre Guillaumin, National Federation of Corn and Sorghum Seed Production
Market development Sorghum by Martin Gomez, Sorghum ID
Summary of activities 2023/2024 and next steps by Jacques Rabayrol, Chair
Election of Section Chair 2024 – 2027 by Jared Onsando, Euroseeds
a.o.b. by Jacques Rabayrol, Chair
Closure and date of next meeting by Jacques Rabayrol, Chair
17:30-18:00 SMARTtray® GmbH
18:00-18:30 Rainbow Crops
19.30 Euroseeds Board and Honorary Guests Dinner; on invitation only
Tuesday, 21.10.2025
08.00 Opening of Trade & Exhibition Floor
Click on each session for more details
Opening, Welcome and Anti-Trust Guidelines by Jörg Renatus, Chair
Minutes of the last meeting by Jörg Renatus, Chair
No end in sight? Where the EU is on NGTs by Introduction by Petra Jorasch, Euroseeds
The cost of regulating Plant Breeding Innovation by Max Kardung, Wageningen University Research
New EU PRM Regulation: focus exchange in kind by Jared Onsando
Summary of activities 2023/2024 and next steps by Jörg Renatus, Chair
Election of Section Chair 2024 – 2027 by Amalia Kafka, Euroseeds
a.o.b. by Jörg Renatus, Chair
Closure and date of next meeting by Jörg Renatus, Chair
09:30-10:00 BetterSeeds
10:00-10:30 RoboTec PTC GmbH
Opening, welcome and Anti-Trust Guidelines by Martin van der Voort, Chair
Minutes from the last meeting by Martin van der Voort, Chair
The future of variety testing in the EU by François Laurens INRAE/Coordinator INVITE
PANEL debate:
- Nuria Urquia Fernandez, CPVO
- Philippe Lesigne, Bayer
- François Laurens INRAE/Coordinator INVITE
- Moderator: Nigel Moore
Vegetables and the new PRM by Jared Onsando
Summary of activities in 2023/2024 and next steps by Martin van der Voort, Chair
Election of Section Chair 2024 – 2027 by Claudius Marondedze, Euroseeds
Election of Section Board by Claudius Marondedze, Euroseeds
a.o.b. by Martin van der Voort, Chair
Closure and date of next meeting by Martin van der Voort, Chair
12:00-12:30 Computomics GmbH
12:30-13:00 Multiplex Spa
Opening, welcome and Anti-Trust Guidelines by Michael Gohn, Chair, President Euroseeds
Opening and welcome by Michael Gohn, Chair, President Euroseeds
Quo vadis, Europe? Introduction by Garlich v. Essen, Euroseeds
From Green Deal to a new Vision for European Agriculture by Catherine Geslain-Laneelle, European Commission, DG AGRI
Green Denmark by Morten Boje Hviid, DAFC
- Catherine Geslain-Laneelle, European Commission, DG AGRI
- Morten Boje Hviid, DAFC
- Lennart Nilsson, COGECA
- Yves Madre, FarmEurope
- Herbert Dorfmann, MEP;Coordinator COMAGRI EPP Group
Conclusions by Garlich v. Essen, Euroseeds
European Plant Breeding Academy UC Davis – best student award 2024 by Jovan Dordjovic, UC Davis and Mark van Gerwen, Bejo
Closing address by Michael Gohn, Chair, outgoing President Euroseeds
Acceptance address by Soren Halbye, incoming President Euroseeds
Moderator: Shawn Brook, Seed World Group
Keynote: Alec Asbridge, Ernst & Young
Recognition of the Euroseeds2024 INNOVACTOR, runner-ups and finalists;
Panel discussion with Euroseeds2024 INNOVACTOR, runner-ups, E&Y and Agro Innovation Lab
Closure by Garlich v. Essen, Euroseeds